Sea Lobster Whole (400gm-500gm size) (সামুদ্রিক গলদা চিংড়ি )

Additional Shipping Cost: TK0.00
Product Code: 4006

One of the most famous & demandfullSea Lobster in the market . 

  • Quality: 100% Fresh And Formalin Free. 
  • Organic fish
  • Original Bangladeshi
  • Source:  Koyakata & Khulna

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Nutritional Info

Calories 233.1

Total Fat 3.2g

Cholesterol 146.7mg

Sodium 370mg

Potassium 339mg

Carbohydrates 5.1g

Protein 43g

Lobster is a rich source of copper and selenium and also contains zinc, phosphorus, vitamin B12, magnesium, vitamin E, and a small amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

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